AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies <p>AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by Institute for Research and Community Services (P3M), The Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Miftahul Huda in Subang, West Java, Indonesia. This journal is a religious or Islamic studies based on locality journal containing research results from various aspects of discipline, religion, social, education, law, economy, politics, environment, language, art and culture. Publishing twice a year, in June and December and already have a registration number p-ISSN: 2985-5438 and e-ISSN: 2985-542X</p> en-US (Dr. Omang Komarudin, M.Ag) (Miptah Parid, M.Pd) Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:13:11 +0000 OJS 60 Hubungan Islam Dengan Kebudayaan Jawa <p><em>Islam and Javanese culture cannot be separated, both of them have a role and influence in navigating the times, Islam has brought many changes, starting from the kingdoms that began to stand on the island of Java. And the Islamic religion in Java has a unique diversity because the spread of Islam in Java is more dominant, resulting in the formation of diverse cultural acculturation. This acculturation occurs in many ways, one of which is visible, namely a result or work of carving, wayang, and slametan art. In the relationship between Islam and Javanese culture, each has a role and influence in spreading the religion of Islam, from the beginning of its development to enriching new cultures, and of course there are also some cultures that do deviate from the teachings of Islam, but Islam and Javanese culture can walk side by side.</em></p> jakaria jakaria, Hesti Akila Jahra, Dennisa Amalia Syaka, Anis Fauzi Copyright (c) 2023 AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Pendidikan Prenatal dalam Upaya Menumbuhkan Kecintaan pada Al-Qur’an <p><em>Prenatal education is education given to children before birth or from the time they are in the womb until the child is born. The research method uses literature review, technical in the literature review method includes systematic identification, analysis of documents containing information related to the study problem through some of the available literature. Prenatal education is important because it stimulates the brain so that it is able to store memories and respond to stimuli from outside so that the benefits of children having intelligence are also a child who will be easily directed to good things, easy to memorize lessons, easy to be advised if they make mistakes, easier to interact also have confidence. In the implementation of prenatal education, careful preparation is needed so that parents must develop a curriculum in the form of determining teaching materials usually related to Islamic religious teachings, for example: hijaiyah letters, memorizing short letters and selected letters, stories of the Prophet. The techniques used in prenatal education are audio and tactile techniques. Also other methods used can be in the form of dialogue, story telling, prayer, worship and so forth.</em></p> Firgina Amelia Nurhusni, Dadan Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengarusutamaan Moderasi Beragama Bagi Muda Muslim Millenial dalam Ranah Pendidikan Islam <p>Artikel ini ingin menguaraikan bagaimana pengarusutamaan moderasi beragama di negara multikultural seperti Indonesia. Pengarusutamaan ini untuk membendung laju kelompok eksklusif yang terus menuai gagasan radikalisme agama. Pengarusutamaan ini dilakukan oleh muda muslim millenial yang berperan besar demi kemajuan bangsannya. Muda muslim millenial ini menjadi <em>Agen Sosial of Change</em> dalam membendung arus paham radikalisme agama. Dengan menggunakan metode <em>library research</em> diharapkan uraikan ini memberikan jawaban atas problematika muda muslim millenail yang selama ini dianggap paling mudah terpengaruh dengan arus paham radikalisme dan intoleran. Pengarusutamaan ini dengan menggunakan Sekolah Moderasi dan Dialog Antar Agama dalam memberikan gambaran, paling tidak mengenalkan kepada muda muslim millenial dalam gerakan moderasi beragama. Di tambah, di lingkup pendidikan mereka diharapkan menjadi mitra pemerintah dalam memendarkan gagasan <em>wasathiyyah</em> melalui dunia pendidikan. Sebab, muda muslim millenial dalam hal ini bukan hanya untuk dirinya gagasan moderasi beragama, melainkan juga bagi masyarakat secara luas.</p> Abdi Abdi Setiawan, Raha Bistara Copyright (c) 2023 AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Studi Analisis Metodologi Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghayb Karya Fakruddin Al-Razi <p><em>The belief of Muslims that the Qur'an is a holy book that will be eternal for all time has turned out to be one of the reasons in itself why the interpretation and exploration of the meaning of the Qur'anic verses is the task of the people that never ends. Interpretation as an effort to understand and explain the meaning of the content of the Qur'an has undergone quite varied developments. Fakhrudin ar-Razi is one of the Muslim thinkers who participated in contributing his knowledge to the treasures of the world of interpretation. This article was written to find out and analyze the methodology contained in the interpretation of mafatih al Ghayib by Fakruddin al Razi. The writing method in this article uses a descriptive analytic method based on the literature. As for the results of this study, the bi al-Ra'yi interpretation method describes an interpreter of the Qur'an adhering to his ijtihad, not adhering to the asar taken from his companions. who want to interpret the Qur'an.</em></p> Alam Tarlam Copyright (c) 2023 AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Urgensi Kompetensi Guru Dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital Pendidikan <p><em>The The rapid development of technology requires teachers to be able to utilize technology in carrying out digital-based learning processes. For this reason, besides having 4 basic skills, teachers are also required to have competence in managing digital-based education. This article aims to examine in more detail the content of teachers and competency standards that will teach teachers and their relation to the digitalization of education. The formulation of the problem in this study is how a teacher is able to balance these competencies with increasingly sophisticated technological developments. This study uses a qualitative approach with a technical analysis of literature related to the digitalization of education. Furthermore, data collection in this study was carried out by tracing various sources, both in the form of government documents, mass media, and the results of relevant research previously analyzed. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the competence of a teacher is very necessary because the teacher is an allowance for students in an atmosphere of maximum learning outcomes assisted by the rapid advancement of technology. A teacher is required to have basic competencies including pedagogic, personality, social, and professional competencies. The basic competencies in question are knowledge, skills, and basic values </em><em>​​</em><em>that are reflected in the habits of thinking and acting as a teacher. Therefore a good teacher is a teacher who is ready for advanced technological developments, especially in education.</em></p> Rina Rahmi, Safrida Copyright (c) 2023 AL-KAINAH: Journal of Islamic Studies Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000