Model Pendidikan Akhlak Bagi Anak Dalam Keluarga Kyai


  • munasir STAI Miftahul Huda Subang


pendidikan, akhlak


The research entitled “MORAL EDUCATION MODEL FOR CHILDREN IN MOSLEM CLERICS’ FAMILIES (A Case Study of Three Moslem Clerics in Rancahilir Village, Pamanukan District, Subang)” is back-grounded by the researcher interest of how Moslem clerics educate their children moral so that generally the Moslem clerics’ children have good moral. It is also based on the field data in which the Indonesian youths’ moral is far from religious values and noble values of Indonesian nation.

            The research has used the natural qualitative approach with descriptive method. The natural qualitative approach is used in this research because the analyzed problem concerns the ongoing problem in the societies’ life, namely the moral education problem for children in Moslem clerics’ families. Meanwhile, the descriptive method is used because it can describe the real condition at the present, it also can achieve clearer, systematic, factual and accurate general description which is related with the researched phenomenon. The research subject and also the primary source in the research is three Moslem clerics in Rancahilir Village, Pamanukan District, Subang, namely AJ, AK, and ZA. The researcher has used the data collection technique through observation, structured interview, and documents study. In validation testing, member-check and triangulation techniques are used. Meanwhile, the analysis is through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.    

The research result shows that the Moslem clerics’ families have clear concept and objective about the moral education for children in the families. The objective of the moral education, according to the Moslem clerics, is to form children character which is religious, knowledgeable, and pious in order to gain Allah Almighty’s sincerity. Meanwhile, the moral education concept is an effort to train, sow, and educate children to behave kindly so that they become pious and religious humans.   

Meanwhile, moral education material and method are given in phases in line with the children development levels. The moral material covers faith, religious practices, and moral aspects. These three aspects are given wholly and integrally. The methods which are used for children in the age of 0–2 years are hum, customariness, and role model methods. For children in the age of 3–6 years, the methods are customariness, role model, guidance, and story. For children in the age of 7–10 years and 11–12 years, the methods are customariness, role model, advice, and punishment.   


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How to Cite

munasir. (2023). Model Pendidikan Akhlak Bagi Anak Dalam Keluarga Kyai. KAMALIYAH : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 1(1), 1–17. Retrieved from


