Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam
The meaning of the plan concems the preparation of drawing up plans for each economic activity. As
Professor Robbins points out, all economic life involves planning. The goals that benefit society depend
on the state of society at any given time, and on the value of life. Therefore, the goals of modern planning
differ from country to country. Implementing planning To achieve the objectives of economic planning in
Islam, we depend on shari'a business. Method of financing The problem of implementing a plan is very
closely related to financing, there is no similarity between the Islamic planning system and the modem
planning system, but there is no difference that lies not only in economic emphasis, but also in the use of
resources. The need for planning in Islam requires comprehensive planning to systematically exploit vast
natural resources

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- profesor Robbins, Al Ghozali (1058 1111 M),
- Prof. M. Adbul Mannan M.A., Ph.D. Buku Teori dan Praktek Ekonomi Islam
- islam/amp/
- (Nawawi, 1995).proccess of Economic Growt Rostow