Risiko Pasar Gadai Emas dalam Operasional Bank Syariah Indonesia Berdasarkan Perspektif Saddudz Dzariah (Studi Kasus pada Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Waru Juanda)
Islamic banking in Indonesia continues to grow rapidly to meet people's needs for sharia-based financial services. One of the products that is a mainstay is sharia gold pawn. This product provides convenience for people who need cash funds by guaranteeing gold, without contradicting Islamic principles. However, in its implementation, sharia gold pawn faces various challenges, such as market risks due to changes in gold prices, credit risks from customers who are unable to repay loans, and operational risks that can affect the smooth running of services. To anticipate this potential problem, the saddudz dzari'ah theory is used as a preventive approach by establishing certain rules. Some of the steps implemented include a careful evaluation of the value of gold, the determination of appropriate profit margins, and an analysis of the customer's ability to repay the loan. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach, direct observation, and interviews with employees of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KCP Waru Juanda. This interview aims to understand how the sharia gold pawn system is carried out, starting from the contract process to efforts to reduce the risks faced. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively to assess the effectiveness of the application of the saddudz dzari'ah theory in managing market risks related to this product. The results of the study show that the practice of sharia gold pawn at Bank Syariah Indonesia is in accordance with Islamic principles. The process uses a combination of Qardh, Rahn, and Ijarah contracts which are carried out transparently, with technology support such as the BSI Mobile application. The risk mitigation measures implemented, such as adjusting the value of gold collateral to price fluctuations, setting fair profit margins, and monitoring customer behavior, have successfully maintained service stability. The application of the saddudz dzari'ah theory is also effective in preventing product abuse while increasing public trust in sharia-based financial services. Despite the risks, saddudz dzari'ah-based strategies have proven to be able to maintain the sustainability and quality of these services. This research is expected to provide input for policy improvement and development of sharia products in the future.
Keywords : Market risk, gold pawn, Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Waru Juanda

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