PENGEMBANGAN EKONOMI SYARIAH DALAM PRAKTIK BISNIS RESTO CEPAT SAJI (Studi pada Mini Resto Lazatto Chicken & Burger di Wilayah Subang)
Islam as a way of life, where Islam has provided a complete sharia for human life. Islamic economics has
the principle of controlling individual assets, investing optimally accompanied by productive distribution
and investment. Communities in the Subang district area are targeted by a national Islamic company with
the core business of fried chicken. The business practice of Mini Resto Lazatto Chicken & Burger which
is seen as having implemented the sharia system in the Company's Operational Standards. The Subang
region itself is one of the regencies in West Java province which has immediately experienced the rapid
development of the fast food restaurant with the jargon "Delicious number satoo". Apart from the
products that are accepted by the public in its segment, there are several other interesting things that are
applied to the fast food fried chicken restaurant business of this brand. Lazatto is a special attraction for
the pioneers of lower middle class outlets because the prices for the chicken and burgers are quite
affordable. Lazatto, which was founded in 2018, until now has more than 250 restaurants spread from
Sumatra to big cities such as Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Tasikmalaya, Sukabumi and
including Subang. Lazatto, which is expanding and mushrooming in various corners of the Subang
district, is part of the development of the Islamic Economy in this country, because in its business it is
suspected that there are no elements of tyranny, usury and gharar.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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