PESAN EDUKATIF DARI KEBERSAMAAN KHAIDIR DAN MUSA (Analisis Konten Terhadap Surat Al-Kahf/ 18: 71-78)


  • Adudin Alijaya Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Huda Subang
  • Laila Khoirunnida MTs Miftahul Huda Pamanukan
  • Rd. Lia Rosmalia SDN Mariuk Tambakdahan


Khaidir, Musa, Education


The appearance of the figure of Khaidir in Moses' journey as a messenger of Allah is immortalized in the Koran. Moses was ordered by Allah to be humble towards everyone, including people he had never known before. Musa's meeting with Khaidir left an experience that made Musa shocked and angry. This journey ultimately left Moses with important lessons in carrying out his prophetic duties. This research is categorized as qualitative, which was carried out by examining the al-Qur'an and its interpretation, as well as reviewing several related articles. Then it is connected to education in general. The conclusion is that education must guarantee the happiness and safety of students, education must also guarantee humanitarian protection for students, and educators must be able to foster and revive the worst situations understood by students.


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How to Cite

Alijaya, A., Laila Khoirunnida, & Rd. Lia Rosmalia. (2024). PESAN EDUKATIF DARI KEBERSAMAAN KHAIDIR DAN MUSA (Analisis Konten Terhadap Surat Al-Kahf/ 18: 71-78). AWSATH: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pemikiran Islam, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from